Cyberpunk 2077
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Bugün okuduğum habere göre Polonya CDProjekt'e araştırma için 7 milyon dolarlık bir fon ayırmış. Araştırma konusu olarak belirtilen konular arasında 'sorunsuz multiplayer' ve 'şehir yapımı' (Seamless multiplayer, city creation) var. Şu anda adamların başka projesi duyurulmadığına göre bu fonun bu oyuna gideceğini düşünebiliriz.


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Şunu da unutmayalım ama. Witcher'ın arkasında bir hikaye var, onu bu şekilde oyun olarak işlemek elbette büyük bir başarı.


Ancak Bioware örneği önümüzde.


Benim bu şekilde ne gelse iyi gelir gibi bir beklentim asla hiçbir şey için olmaz.

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1.39da çıkan gizli mesaj;



It’s been over 2077 days since we announced our plan to develop Cyberpunk 2077. We released a CGI trailer, gave some interviews and… went dark. Normal procedure for these kinds of things — you announce a game and then shut up, roll up your sleeves and get to work. We wanted to give you the Witcher 3 and both expansions first, which is why this period of staying silent was longer than we planned. Sorry for that. As soon as we concluded work on Blood and Wine, we were able to go full speed ahead with CP2077’s pre-production. But we chose to remain silent. Why? At some point we made the decisions to resume talking about the game when we have something to show. Something meaningful and substantial. This is because we do realize you’ve been impatiently waiting for a very long time, and we wouldn’t like anyone to feel that we’re taking this for granted. On the contrary — it gives us a lot of extra motivation. The hype is real, so the sweat and tears need to be real, too :) But to the point. Today is the day. If you’re seeing this, it means you saw the trailer. - our vision for Cyberpunk, an alternative version of the future where America is in pieces, megacorporations control all aspects of civilized life, and gangs rule the rest. And, while this world is full of adrenaline, don’t let the car chases and guns mislead you. Cyberpunk 2077 is a true single player, story-driven RPG. You’ll be able to create your own character and… well, you’ll get to know the rest of what show at our booth at E3. Be on the lookout for the previews! Before we finish, you probably have some questions, When? When we told you we would only release the game when it’s ready, we meant it. We’re definitely much closer to a release date than we were back then ;) but it’s still not the time to confirm anything, so patience is still required. Quality is the only thing that drives us. It’s the beauty of being an independent studio and your own publisher. How big? Seriously big, but… to be honest, we have no bloody clue at this point in time. Once we put it all together, we will openly tell you what you can expect. And we promise we’ll do this before we start talking about pre-orders or ask anything of you. Free DLC/Expansions/DRM Expect nothing less than you got with The Witcher 3. As for DRM, CP2077, will be 100% DRM-free on PC. Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts? Once again, thank you for your patience. If you have a minute, do visit and share your opinion (about anything) with us. We read everything you posted we treat it very seriously. Yours, CD PROJEKT RED Team


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VG247: Cyberpunk 2077: Banging, C-bombs and bullet-time


We sat down at E3 to witness 50 minutes of stunning gameplay. Jaws dropped at the ultraviolence. Eyeballs sprang out on stalks. Ears burned at the spicy language. And afterwards we jabbered out mouths off in excitement at what we’d just witness. Holy. Guacamole. The wait has been justified. The hype tame in comparison to reality. Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be a game changer.


Andrew Reiner (Game Informer)


Cyberpunk 2077 is like Rockstar levels of open-world craziness. Beautiful, detailed, choice everywhere. Gunplay is wicked. Can run on walls, plant into them with blades, drop onto foes, slice their heads off. Slow time, use mods to control bots. Wow. Wow. Wow.


GameInformer: Cyberpunk 2077 Is Not What You Think


I entered this demonstration with thoughts of Witcher III: Wild Hunt, thinking I would see something similar in design, only with futuristic trappings in a sprawling city. My memories of Geralt of Rivia and his adventures vanished when CD Projekt Red showed me Cyberpunk 2077 is a first-person, open-world RPG. It's a completely different beast than Witcher, delivering player choice in a what appears to be a more dangerous and dynamic world.


John Linneman (Digital Foundry, Eurogamer)


Cyberpunk 2077 is legit. I can’t even imagine this being current gen. Like holy shit. It’s like Deus Ex + Crysis + Witcher at a scale and level of detail that I’ve never seen. It’s the kind of game I’ve dreamt of for ages. That was one hell of an hour.


PCWorld: Cyberpunk 2077: What we learned in the most mind-blowing game demo we've ever seen


I’d certainly like to believe that everything I saw in this Cyberpunk 2077 demo was real, not just part of some elaborate “vertical slice” hoodwink. Because as I said, this is the most impressive demo I’ve everseen. And if CD Projekt can make the game that CD Projekt claims it’s making? The game it showed to us? We’re all in for a real treat.


Kotaku: Cyberpunk 2077 Is A Violent, Impressive Blend Of Deus Ex And The Witcher 3


Here’s the short version: Cyberpunk 2077 is a lot like Deus Ex, with what looks like less stealth but better shooting. There’s lots of violence. There are branching quests with multiple choices, like The Witcher 3, and there’s a driving system that seems a whole lot like Grand Theft Auto. The demo was impressive, hinting at typically dystopian themes, lots of player choice, and many, many different guns.


TiesTorN beğendi

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1 hour ago, stardust said:

first person ne alaka ya. Allah korusun aklıma fallout 3 geliyor first person denince fena oluyorum.

şımarma sırrı... son çıkan deus ex'leri düşün.

wazzap beğendi

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“Dolaşırken tps, combat fps olur diye tahmin ediyorum”  


diye yazmısım 1047 yıl önce ama yollamamışım, başlığa gelince hazır duruyordu yolladım artık.. dolaşırken tps olayı tutmamış sanırım ama full gamede seçimlik olur diye tahmin ediorum tek tuşla :)


Asıl mevzuya gelecek olursak.. Ya ben cdproject red in neden safe oynamayıp witcherdaki herşeyin tam tersi olan bi oyuna bütün malvarlıklarını yatırdıklarını anlamakta zorluk çekiyorum.. :


- Bi kere sende hiç bi alt yapısı olmayan gunplay üzerine kurulu bi oyun yapıosun..


- Ve bunu da fps yapıosun.. 


- Medieval temasından çıkıp futuristik bi ortam kuruosun.. 


Ve  bu maddeler toplanıp şu gameplayde resmen bir Deus Ex - Advanced görmeme neden oluyor.. çalmadıklarına eminim ama her şeyiyle çok fazla andırıyor..  neyse takibe devam :/

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adamlar blade runner'ın oynanabilenini yapmış ya la! 


hayatımda bir oyun demosunda bu kadar dibim düşmediydi.


tabii o grafikler ve world complexity asıl oyunda olmayacaktır. onun için bir 5 yıl en az daha beklememeiz gerekecek

On 13/06/2018 at 0:48 AM, Najaz said:

Oyun 2077'de mi çıkıyor?




bence 1 sene sonra çıkar

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